Custom Framed Artwork

from $125.00

A custom watercolor artwork adorned with beads, foil and other embellishments designed to fit your specific vision. Each piece is truly one-of-a-kind and can be tailored to a specific recipient or occasion.

Available in 5x7” artwork displayed in an 8x10” frame, or an 8x10” artwork in an 11x14” frame. Shipping is included in the US.

If you’re looking for a smaller or larger sized custom artwork, please add the “Custom Artwork Consultation” to your cart, and Michelle will reach out to gather additional details and provide a custom quote.

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A custom watercolor artwork adorned with beads, foil and other embellishments designed to fit your specific vision. Each piece is truly one-of-a-kind and can be tailored to a specific recipient or occasion.

Available in 5x7” artwork displayed in an 8x10” frame, or an 8x10” artwork in an 11x14” frame. Shipping is included in the US.

If you’re looking for a smaller or larger sized custom artwork, please add the “Custom Artwork Consultation” to your cart, and Michelle will reach out to gather additional details and provide a custom quote.

A custom watercolor artwork adorned with beads, foil and other embellishments designed to fit your specific vision. Each piece is truly one-of-a-kind and can be tailored to a specific recipient or occasion.

Available in 5x7” artwork displayed in an 8x10” frame, or an 8x10” artwork in an 11x14” frame. Shipping is included in the US.

If you’re looking for a smaller or larger sized custom artwork, please add the “Custom Artwork Consultation” to your cart, and Michelle will reach out to gather additional details and provide a custom quote.